
Helping Your Practice Cope with the Post-Pandemic Puppy Boom

With pressure on veterinary services higher than ever and an expanding population of pets with owners desiring alternatives to surgical castration, Virbac are pleased to offer Suprelorin®.

A huge surge in dog ownership in the last two years, combined with the additional pressures of COVID-19, has massively increased pressures on veterinary teams. Veterinary teams offering neutering advice to their maturing puppies need to adapt to changing pet owner attitudes as 1 in 3 pet owners say that they would look at alternative methods to surgical castration1. A recent article in the Sunday Times follows one owner’s story highlighting the dilemma they face as a pet owner, it can be read here: 

Suprelorin® offers owners the ability to ‘try before they buy’ and offers a non-invasive, reversible solution to test the effects of castration. It is also an opportunity to utilise the skills of the veterinary nursing team and we are pleased to confirm that Registered Veterinary Nurses are able to implant Suprelorin® under the direction of the veterinary surgeon as per schedule 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 2006.

Suprelorin® is a sustained release implant containing deslorelin (a GnRH super agonist) and is licensed for use in healthy, sexually mature dogs that have not been neutered to make them temporarily infertile. The implant is inserted subcutaneously, under the loose skin on the back between the lower neck and the lumbar area. Conveniently, implantation is a quick procedure and does not require anaesthesia or hospitalisation.

Suprelorin® is available in two presentations, a 4.7mg implant which lasts for at least 6 months and a 9.4mg implant which lasts for at least 12 months in dogs.

Click here to view our Mode of Action video

The Virbac technical team are available to support veterinary practices with the use of Suprelorin® and can be contacted on 01359 243243.


1. Harris interactive. Understanding the usages & attitudes around cats & dogs sterilization and evaluating the potential of Suprelorin. (2017).
