
Virbac Charity Fundraiser at London Vet Show Proves Huge Success

Virbac is delighted to report the huge success of their innovative charity fundraising event that took place at last year’s London Vet Show (LVS 2022).

In a move from traditional promotional offerings, Virbac chose to use their presence at the London Vet Show as an opportunity to raise much needed funds for some very worthwhile causes.

Delegates simply had to visit the Virbac stand and choose one of three charities to support -  Street Vet, Vetlife or Nature’s Safe  - and deposit their token, which was conveniently attached to their delegate lanyard and worth £1, to their chosen charity.

The initiative proved hugely popular, with more than half of all LVS delegates visiting the Virbac stand to raise more than £3,000, with StreetVet receiving £1,147, Vetlife £1,071 and Nature’s Safe £820.

Thanking Virbac for their fundraising initiative, Vetlife President, Graham Dick said: “There is no doubt that the veterinary professions find themselves under considerable stress at this difficult time. We at Vetlife are therefore very grateful to Virbac, a provider of therapeutics for the wellbeing of animals, for this contribution towards the welfare of the professionals who care for them.”

Jade Stratt of StreetVet added “StreetVet were delighted to be part of the Virbac charity token initiative at London Vet Show this year. With over 50% of delegates engaging, I hope this encourages others to follow Virbac’s example and opt for charity donation over promotional merchandise that often ends up unused."

“We know the 6th mass extinction on Earth is underway, and there will be rough times ahead”, said Tullis Matson, Founder and Chair of Nature’s SAFE. “Nature’s SAFE is busy securing future options for biodiversity, by acting now. We are delighted to have the support of Virbac and professionals visiting the London Vet Show to help safeguard animals through our living biobank.”

 “VetLife, Streetvet and Nature's Safe are very special charities who are doing genuinely amazing work. I would like to thank all the delegates who got behind the initiative at the show”, added Andrew Connolly Marketing Director - UK & Ireland at Virbac.