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Antimicrobial Peptides: The What, The How and The Why
Antimicrobial resistance is a hot topic in both human and veterinary medicine, with concerns flagged that inappropriate use of antibiotics may have contributed to an increase in bacterial resistance worldwide.
Introducing Cortotic, a Revolutionary Treatment for Canine Otitis Externa – Without an Antimicrobial!
We are pleased to announce the launch of Cortotic, a corticosteroid-only treatment for the clinical signs associated with canine otitis externa, without an antimicrobial.
Which Topical Antimicrobials Should Be Considered for Otitis Externa?
In light of the current focus on antimicrobial resistance, how does this affect our approach to the treatment of Otitis externa?
Antimicrobial Eye Drop Solution for Dogs, Cats & Rabbits
A corticosteroid-only treatment for the clinical signs associated with erythroceruminous otitis externa, without an antimicrobial
Otitis treatment made simple using EasOtic®
Maintain a healthy ear using EpiOtic®
Why Should I Use Virbagen Omega in Dogs With Parvovirus?
Parvovirus outbreaks are commonly encountered in the UK, with pockets occurring more frequently in certain areas of the country such as Wales and the North West. Outbreaks within an area can be devastating for both owners and practices alike, with treatment costly and challenging. However, rapid implementation of intensive treatment can improve prognosis.
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