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Suprelorin® Now Offers an Alternative to Surgical Castration in Cats

Virbac is pleased to announce that Suprelorin® 4.7mg Implants for Dogs, the innovative reversible alternative to surgical castration is now also licensed for use in male cats.

New Multimin - A Unique Prescription Only Trace Mineral Injection For Cattle

Virbac is pleased to announce the launch of Multimin, a unique, prescription only, four in one trace mineral injection to combat oxidative stress and its effects in cattle. Containing Zinc, Copper, Manganese and Selenium, Multimin is designed to be administered during, or in advance of, periods of high demand in dairy and beef cattle, such as breeding, calving, weaning and vaccination.

Oxidative Stress : Its Effect on Cattle and the Role of Trace Minerals

Reactive Oxygen Species or Free Radicals are constantly formed during normal aerobic cellular metabolism. Free radicals are unstable and highly reactive oxidants that can remove an electron from another compound leaving it oxidised.

Itchy Cat? What Can Be Done?

The work up of “itchy cat syndrome” can be a laborious task with no guarantees of identifying a cause to the pruritus which may be frustrating for both vet and owner alike.

New Webinar on the Role of Trace Minerals in Cattle Health & Performance

In conjunction with The Webinar Vet, Virbac is pleased to announce a new, free to view, webinar on the role of trace minerals in cattle health and performance. The webinar also includes information on a new veterinary approach to boost trace mineral availability.

Senior cats’ pathology: main clinical conditions

It is generally accepted that a cat can be considered "senior" from the age of 10 years (when it has reached 75-80% of its life expectancy) and that the geriatric stage is reached after 15 years. In practice, one-third of cats over 9 years of age that are considered healthy by their owners actually require medical treatment (95% of which is long-term).

Introducing NEW VETERINARY HPM® Digestive Support Wet Diets For Cats & Dogs

Virbac is pleased to announce the launch of NEW VETERINARY HPM® Digestive Support wet diets, two new clinical diets (one for dogs and one for cats) for the nutritional management of both digestive issues and convalescence in a single product.

Osteoarthritis in the older cat

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the deterioration of articular cartilage and the presence of bone neoformations on the surface and periphery of affected joints. In cats, the most commonly affected joints are hips and elbows, but spinal lesions are also common, generally between the 7th and 10th thoracic vertebrae, and more severely in the lumbar and lumbosacral regions.

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